Support Services

With the aim of assisting children facing barriers to learning, our Support Services staff work as part of an integrated health and wellbeing team focusing workforce capability, group-based and individual support and the provision of specialised services.

"No one has yet realised the wealth of sympathy, the kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure."

Emma Goldman, anarchist political activist and writer

At Bayswater South we believe that the social and emotional development of each child is a cornerstone to their academic success.

Our Student Support Services, consisting of an Educational Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Kids Hope Mentors, and our Chaplain help complement our already comprehensive wellbeing and academic programs. We also have access to the services of a large range of other health and educational professionals.

Student Support Services aid our students who may be facing a range of barriers to achieve their educational and developmental potential through the provision of a range of strategies and specialised support at individual, group, and school levels.

BOOST Program

Bayswater South Primary School has an extensive support program – The Boost Programme. This is a support and extension programme designed to ensure all of our students are growing towards their full potential and goals, no matter their starting point. The program offers support and extension in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Speaking and Listening, Mathematics and German as an Additional Language.

Psychologist / Speech Pathologist

At Bayswater South we believe that the social and emotional development of each child is a cornerstone to their academic success.

Our Student Support Services, consisting of an Educational Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Kid’s Hope Mentors, and our Chaplain help complement our already comprehensive wellbeing and academic programs. We also have access to the services of a large range of other health- and educational professionals.

Student Support Services aid our students who may be facing a range of barriers to learning to achieve their educational and developmental potential through the provision of a range of strategies and specialised support at individual, group, and school levels.


At Bayswater South we are very fortunate to have Bronwyn Upton as our School Chaplain. Bronwyn works two days a week at our school, helping students find a better way to deal with issues ranging from family breakdown, relationship challenges and loneliness, to stress and anxiety. Bronwyn has a passion to improve the lives of our students that require a significant adult to talk to. She is also available to talk with parents and staff.

Kids’ Hope

Kids’ Hope is a program that helps Australian children develop self-esteem and confidence.
Over the past eight years, Bayswater South has been fortunate enough to have some wonderful trained Kids’ Hope volunteers from St Stephen’s Anglican Church work alongside some of our students. Mentors are carefully matched with children who teachers think will benefit from some extra one-to-one support at school.
Mentors come to school each week and spend one hour with the child. The mentor is there to be a friend and help the child develop self-esteem and confidence which has significant positive impacts on the student’s learning and school engagement.

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