Community Spirit Award

Our Community Spirit Award recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to our school.

"Alone, we can do so little; Together, we can do so much."

Helen Keller, author

Bayswater South Primary School celebrated their 50 years of primary education in 2019. To mark the event, we created an award to recognise current or past inspirational teachers, principals, support staff and key members of the community.

Showcasing outstanding school contributions is essential to inspiring confidence in our community and driving improvements within our school. The award reminds the community about what makes Bayswater South great and the positive impact it has on our children in developing the skills, courage, and curiosity they need to succeed in life.


Brigitte Schmelzle

2019 Winner

Brigitte worked at Bayswater South Primary School as a German teacher for over 20 years. The LOTE Program began in 1981 and Brigitte’s involvement commenced in 1985 until her retirement in 2005.

In 1997 Brigitte was instrumental in starting the Bilingual Schools Project at Bayswater South Primary School, which was launched at 13 primary and secondary schools, funded over three years to teach LOTE through a content-based immersion program. The LOTE program at Bayswater South Primary School was written and produced by Brigitte and Maria von Chrismar. Both Brigitte and Maria were chosen as Co-Network Leaders for the Eastern LOTE Transition Network. Even in her retirement, Brigitte was actively involved in supporting the German language teachers by giving advice, preparing teachers and learning resources and classroom displays. Brigitte had strong connections to the German community such as the Templer Society, Association of German Teacher’s in Victoria and the Eastern LOTE Transition Network.

She planned, organised and conducted three trips to Germany with students from Year 3 – 6 and hosted visits from German students coming to Bayswater. In addition, she conducted many camps to Hahndorf, South Australia with other local schools to further extend students understanding of German heritage and culture.

Brigitte designed and implemented the language learning programs, worked with leading language learning researchers from the Ontario Institute for Studies and Education, Melbourne University and researchers from overseas. Brigitte invited and hosted countless teachers to observe lessons and learn from the Bayswater South Primary School language model.

Brigitte was involved in filming the video “Room for Two” – Language in Action in collaboration with Monash University and been a guest speaker in radio Broadcast 2 of the “I am LOTE” course. Brigitte has inspired generations of students and teachers in her zest, passion and dedication to teaching the German language. This included her daughter Sylvia, daughter in law Annette and friend Desiree to foster the same passion and love of teaching at Bayswater South Primary School. Brigitte has inspired students to not only nurture their German skills and continue their studies, she inspired students to be able to express themselves with confidence, be who they wish to be and to nurture their love of learning German. Well done Brigitte, your outstanding contribution to Bayswater South School Primary has shaped it into the fantastic school we all know now.

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