Student Leadership

We believe in Student Voice, Student Agency and Student Leadership. 

Every day, in every way, we remind our students that...

their voice matters.

At Bayswater South Primary School, our student leaders are the face of our school assisting in school tours, kindergarten visits, assemblies, cultural events and at all times, modelling our school values.

Student Representatives from Year 1 to Year 6 form our SRC and in Year 5, those who wish to be Senior Leaders nominate themselves, present speeches to the school community and both students and teachers vote. 

We truly believe that student engagement, connection and belonging come from being actively involved in all aspects of school life, including learning, and by being given an opportunity to participate in the decisions which affect them… and we could not be prouder.


School Captain

Why is HONESTY important in the classroom?

Honesty is important in a classroom because it ensures that everyone tells the truth, and by doing that we are being respectful of our peers.


School Captain

How has our weekly URSTRONG WELLBEING program helped you with friendships?

It has helped me to know what friendships are going well and what friendships might need figuring out.


School Captain

What advice would you give the younger students who might want to be LEADERS too?

It all starts by being nice in the playground and being the best person you can be. When you’re in Year 5, you get to make a speech and my advice is be honest about your strengths, (don’t lie!).


School Captain

Are your parents involved in school life? Is this important to you?

My parents have helped in the classroom, at camps and on sports days. I like seeing them help our COMMUNITY, (and they also help by getting me ready for school and driving me!). 


House Captain – Martin (Gold)

What makes you a good friend?

I’m kind, caring and work well in a TEAM. I listen and communicate well!


House Captain – Flemming (Blue)

Why is INQUIRY learning important?

Inquiry is important because we get to collaborate with different people in other classes. Schools without the INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE do four units across a year, but at BSPS we do six. We learn so many new things about the world.


House Captain – Lewis (Green)

Did you feel supported and connected during Home Learning?

I felt supported and CONNECTED in home learning because I was able to jump online everyday for three face-to-face classes with my teachers and peers. I saw lots of different faces and during wellbeing we were put into breakout rooms with our friends to catch up and see how everyone was feeling.


House Captain – Lewis (Green)

Why do you think it’s important for children to LEARN ANOTHER LANGUAGE

It’s important for children to learn another language because if they are travelling or meeting new people it will help them connect with others and make new friends. I am very fortunate to speak three languages: English, German and Russian.


House Captain – Martin (Gold)

What is Schultüte and why is it important?

They are a ‘school cone’ and we make them to welcome the Prep students on their first day. Year 5 students are matched with a Prep (their BUDDY) and it’s their job to create their Schultüte (to fold it, decorate it and fill it with tots, lollies and other fun things) and take care of them. They are fun to make and fun to receive!


House Captain – Flemming (Blue)

What are you good at?

I am good at sports and physical education. In class and outside of school, I am a good listener and I CARE for others. I am there when I am needed. 


House Captain – Decastella (Red)

What do you think BSPS can do better and how will you help achieve this?

There has been a lot of work done on our fencing and drainage over the last year, and the school is being fitted with new classroom heating/cooling soon… so I HOPE the toilets are next! They need some updating.

I am happy to participate in fundraisers and by encouraging the staff, parents and students to donate!


House Captain – Decastella (Red)

2022 is a ‘Production’ year, tell us your favourite memory from the last production? 

My favorite school production memory was when I was in Year 3. I remember the excitement and nerves while we were all in the waiting room ready to go on-stage.

This year we are participating in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular too, so there’s a lot of work to do in our PERFORMING ARTS classes! 

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